A Carillion/MS JV constructing a relief road from the A6 (Buxton) to Manchester Airport started in March 2015 with completion scheduled for autumn 2017.
Speedy are a long standing supplier to both Morgan Sindall and Carillion.
The scheme needed to Þnd solutions to challenges associated with public interface, working at night, noise management and minimizing the impact of the construction on the project neighbours.
Speedy were approached to suggest a lighting solution that allowed work to continue whilst the existing street lighting was being removed on the A34 but still provided adequate lighting that ensured the safety and security of the travelling public.
Ideally the solution would provide a natural light condition with a reduced amount of glare, at the same time minimizing the disruption to those in the local vicinity through excessive light pollution often experienced with the traditional lighting products.
The project consists of the construction of a 10Km dual carriageway and 12 structures including 4 rail bridges at a cost of c£290M. Works also consists of widening existing roads, roundabouts and slip roads.
The project has a number of challenges:
- Significant interface with rail, road and members of the public
- 1.2Mm3 of earthworks balanced onsite
- Substantial ecological mitigation including great crested newts, bats and badgers
“These lights are a great alternative to other more traditional products, they have delivered fully in every aspect and I am sure these will become a frequent feature on many more Highway projects”.
Terry Meadows, Morgan Sindall
Senior SHE Manager, Transport - Highways
Speedy Solution
The new LBS 80M light balloon by Wacker Neuson provides an innovative and practical solution to the lighting requirements of the project.
The light arrives in a travel case which makes it easy to handle and transport without any requirement for towing. This reduces risk and provides operational efficiencies.
The unique reflective balloon shaped surface can easily be tensioned with the help of a stretching mechanism and a single cable lock sitting above a sturdy tripod with an extendable, non-conductive, glass-fibre mast.
Silently operating, the battery power pack sits centrally within the tripod and provides stability to the light, and keeps the battery off the ground to prevent possible overheating and contact with any surface water present.
Elevation, and the powerful 1000w metal halide lamp, delivers extensive illumination but without glare, akin to natural light and corresponds to the RSA 95 (directive for safety of workplaces on construction sites). This makes the light balloon ideal for work on Highways and therefore perfect for the A6 project.
The light is also safe to use having performed in wind speed conditions equating up to 100kmh and can be adjusted to operate safely and effectively on uneven ground to 15 degrees.
“After a short trial the LBS 80M lights have been adopted and proven to be a great success, so much so that we are even using them at our site compounds too.
The lights have provided adequate lighting for the road users and workforce without dazzling them, this has kept them safe, and the job productive.
Our project has used the lights in the central reservation and secured them into place with bolts three feet into the ground; this has made them a very secure alternative to mobile tower lights.
A timer would be a valuable addition allowing lights to be controlled as required, and in particular where access to the lights is difficult.
Overall the lights are a great product that has really assisted us in the removal of the existing lighting columns.”
Thomas Cummins Bsc (Hons) SHE Advisor for the JV

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