Power and Fuel - Creating Sustainable Sites
Speedy has been proud to supply leading contractor MGJV with award winning technologies

The Thames Water AMP5 framework demands the very latest innovation of its contractors in order to reduce the environmental impact of works in the communities in which it operates.

Speedy has been proud to supply leading contractor MGJV with award winning technologies to ensure a sustainable and safe working environment while delivering a six month AMP5 flood defence project.

Since working in partnership with Speedy, making use of its award winning innovative products, and in support of eight2O’s procurement principle of providing transparency and value for money, the site has achieved significant fuel and carbon savings thereby delivering both value for money and continuous improvement for Thames Water and its supply chain.

Reduced noise pollution has ensured that the impact on the residents and wider local community during the project has been minimised.

Key achievements

  • Firefly unit delivered carbon savings equating to almost 147 tonnes per year
  • 44% less fuel was consumed, equating to an annual saving of 55,000 litres
  • Without the Firefly the generator would have run for 672 hours, however a saving of 64% was achieved as it actually ran for just 242 hours
  • The total fuel consumption before the Firefly would have been 9,538 litres, but this was reduced to 5,324 litres after switching, resulting in a total saving of 4,214 litres (44%)
  • The use of the ePod. reduced losses and damages to equipment to zero
  • The use of the ePod. ensured hire charges only occurred while the kit was in use ensuring operating efficiencies
  • The use of 3,146 litres of B100 bio fuel also equates to over 8,000 kgs carbon saved


The project solution

In June 2014, Speedy provided Dulwich Park with a variety of innovative equipment to both optimise the site, and reduce environmental impact while essential improvements were carried out to aging, yet vital infrastructure:

The award winning ePod®

  • The award winning ePod® provided an economical pay as you go hire, secure storage facility with 24/7 access and supporting data
  • Housing a combination of Speedy and client owned equipment, the ePod® ensured that the right equipment was available at all times minimising downtime
  • The on site availability allowed the local community to benefit from significant reductions in traffic movemnt and noise
  • The ePod® recorded 1,366 equipment movements throughout June 2014 with loss and damages recorded at zero


  • An fPod® complete with bio fuel and fuel management ensured a consistent quality and availability of fuel on site at all times
  • The telemetry units allowed fuel deliveries to be automatically triggered by Speedy, which minimised the risk of fuel run-out and down time that could threaten project timelines
  • Reduced numbers of fuel containers on site saved space, and the reduction of vehicle movements on and around the site improved safety and the environment
  • Spillage risks were eliminated
  • Contamination risks were eliminated
  • The fPod® provided clear accountability and visibility of fuel usage

24kVA Firefly Hybrid Unit (supporting 100kVA Generator)

  • The Firefly operated when a lower load was required i.e. evenings and weekends
  • Fuel consumption was significantly reduced, providing monetary and carbon emission savings
  • The silent power produced by the Firefly unit ensured that noise levels were minimised considerably

A complete communications and security package

  • A complete communications package, including two-way radios, provided an effective management capability
  • Broadband and 3G data solutions were utilised at the first opportunity to give the site connectivity. This offered immediate 24hr security as well as access to emails, web and internal IT solutions
  • Turnstiles on site offered further security, as well as producing data which revealed who visited the site and for how long
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Need Help?

If you have a query and want to discuss your hire needs, call us on: 0800 500 3993. We will be happy to help.

More Details about how you can get in touch