
How to Clean a Rug

Rugs are a vital component of most living areas in UK homes. They can prevent draughts between floorboards, cushion sounds and noise, and reflect our personalities and décor choices.

However, they can accumulate dirt, stains, and odours over time, making them look a little past their best and becoming an unhygienic addition to our homes.

Luckily, there are plenty of ways to get it like new again. A carpet cleaner can do the trick nicely, working carpet shampoo deep into fibres and extracting the dirt and water. Rugs can take a while to dry otherwise, so this is your best option.

Regularly steam cleaning your rug can also eradicate any bacteria and germs.




You will need the following:


Step 1: Brush

First, you will want to agitate the fibres to ensure all trapped dirt is captured. This will provide a deep clean.

Grab a soft bristles brush and gently go back and forth until the fibres perk up. Depending on your rug, you may want to be a bit rougher. If your rug is fragile, you can purchase rubber-bristled hand brushes, which should be gentler.

An alternative is to take it outside, hang it over a railing or clothesline, and beat it with a brush to loosen trapped dirt.


Step 2: Vacuum

Once the fibres are agitated and your rug looks bouncy again, now is the time to vacuum.

This will remove all dirt particles; you don't want these being collected by the carpet cleaner, as it could cause it to clog.

You should vacuum a rug at least once per week. Switch your vacuum to the high pile setting to make it easier to glide over the surface, or you can alternatively reduce the suction power until it is comfortable to use.

Don't use a vacuum power head or beater bar, as the rotating action can pull at fibres. When done, flip the rug over and vacuum the woven underside. You can use a beater bar on this.

If you have a deep-piled rug or are in the process of spring cleaning, hiring a powerful vacuum cleaner could be the answer to banishing the dust and debris from your home and rug.


Step 3: Clean

Now, you'll want to clean the rug to remove visible dirt.

Once every couple of months, you can steam clean the rug, which will help loosen soiling and eliminate germs.

But once or twice a year, you should clean the rug with a carpet cleaner. This will wash the rug, ensuring it looks like new again.

Firstly, make sure your rug can be cleaned this way. Yours may have a care label or instructions with it. If not, enquire with the manufacturer. While most should be fine, you don't want to damage dyes or fibres.

Then, make sure your chosen carpet cleaner and solution can work with the material of your rug. If hiring from Speedy, our customer service team or depot staff can advise on which model best suits your needs.

Then, use as normal, following the instructions. All Speedy hire products come with instructions and you can also watch our How To Guides on YouTube.



Only go over each section of your rug once so it doesn't become too saturated. Ensure all water is sucked up before moving on to the next area. Flip the rug over and then remove the water on the bottom, too, before repeating.


Step 4: Dry

You must dry your rug thoroughly to avoid a damp, musty smell and avoid any mould or mildew growth. Remaining water can also cause discolouration over time.

As above, go over your rug with the carpet cleaner until no more water is extracted, both on the bottom and top of the rug.

In summer, this can be easier. Open your windows and hang the rug over a railing or similar to dry it, or even better, hang it outside if you can carry it, and your line will take the weight.

We'd recommend not to clean a rug in winter, as it will take a while to dry. Spring and autumn are better times, but if it can't be avoided, hire a dehumidifier to speed up drying. Open windows, too.

Avoid drying your rug while it is lying down on the floor. Both sides need to be aired for it to dry fully, or it will just start to smell after a while and dampen your carpet or floor.



How can I clean a rug without a carpet cleaner?

You can always try cleaning a rug by hand, using a cleaner solution and water on a damp sponge or cloth. The issue is water extraction. Without getting rid of the water (as a carpet cleaner can do), the water will be more challenging to get out of the rug and could cause it to remain damp for days.

A carpet cleaner can also rinse and remove any solution, meaning your rug won't become damaged or discoloured.

Washing a rug by hand is fine if you are spot-cleaning, but it may be too time-consuming for an entire rug to be cleaned.


Can I clean my rug in the bath?

You may have seen on TikTok and Reels that people are soaking their rugs in a solution of Zoflora and washing detergent in the bath, with impressive results.

Yes, this could lift dirt, as seen in the colour of the water. But generally, this is just too much water. Even in summer, it could take your rug ages to dry, and it could be heavy to transport out onto the washing line.

You'd also have to rinse the rug a few times to remove the remaining dirt from the water and the product. This is a lot of water—and a lot of work. You must also be careful about your products, as some aren't designed to be used with certain rug fibres.

So, we say to avoid this, especially if your rug is large or has a deep pile. Using a carpet cleaner will be quicker and less labour-intensive and will use less water.


How can I clean a wool rug?

If your rug is wool, this is one instance where we say NOT to use a carpet cleaner. The heat from the machine could damage the fibres and cause dyes to run.

Wool should only be cleaned in cold water. This may require a specialist if your rug is filthy.


My rug is a really deep pile. Can I clean it myself?

Yes, you can, but it needs to be dried thoroughly.

A carpet cleaner can extract water. Go over it just once cleaning, then keep going over the rug to suck up water a few times until no more comes up. Repeat on the bottom of the rug and again from the top.

Once it all feels dry (it is also crucial to check the fibres' base here), hang it outside to dry and air fully. Keep checking the rug to see if it is drying well and if no damp patches remain.



Speedy Hire has a range of carpet cleaners for hire nationwide.

With over 200 local service centres nationwide, hire counters in selected B&Qs, and nationwide 4-hour delivery, hiring is just a click or call away with a Speedy account.

Hiring specialist equipment is cheaper than buying it, and all our stock is professional-grade, meaning you can get better results and performance versus a consumer-only product.

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