
A Guide to IPAF and MEWP Licences

An IPAF Operator Course trains people to operate various powered access vehicles or MEWPs (Mobile Elevating Work Platforms) properly and safely.

Anyone who has successfully completed their IPAF course will receive an IPAF certificate or PAL (Powered Access Licence) card.

MEWPs are used when working at height and completing jobs that would otherwise be difficult or unsafe. Some examples of powered access MEWPs include:

  • Cherry pickers
  • Scissor lifts
  • Platforms
  • Static verticals (1a)
  • Static booms (1b) – self-propelled booms, trailers, push-arounds, vehicle-mounted platforms
  • Mobile verticals (3a) – mobile scissor lifts, personnel platforms
  • Mobile booms (3b)
  • Push Around Vehicles (PAV)

IPAF (International Powered Access Federation) courses are suitable for operators, drivers, managers, and others who are working around powered access vehicles.




IPAF Training

It is important to choose the correct category when completing IPAF Training. The category you complete has to reflect the vehicle or MEWP you will be in control of.

You can complete singular IPAF courses, or combine to cover several courses, which will take longer to complete.

IPAF is the accrediting body for using powered access equipment. PASMA is the accrediting body for access towers instead.


How long does an IPAF or MEWP license last?

A MEWP license generally lasts 5 years.

The PAL card is an internationally recognised certification which can be shown to managers, company owners, and health and safety officers to demonstrate that you have the correct training and knowledge to operate MEWPs.


Hazards Involved with MEWP Use

MEWPs are indispensable in a lot of roles and industries which involve working at height. But using them comes with the risk of several hazards.

These include falling from a height, collisions with items and people on the ground, contact with electrical and overhead wires, overturning, and becoming trapped.

MEWP training can provide information and guidance on how to avoid these hazards and safely operate and use powered access platforms.

It is also vital to ensure the correct MEWP is used for the job. Operators should also become familiar with the controls and operation of the MEWP they are using, as well as having their license.


Where can I complete my IPAF License?

You can complete Powered Access training through Speedy's Training Courses. We have a range of classroom and eLearning courses available which cover MEWPs and comply with International Standard ISO 18878 2004 Mobile Elevating Work Platforms.

We have single-category and dual-category training courses available, as well as courses for loading & unloading, management, and harness use & inspection.

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