
How to Transform Garden Walls on a Budget

Garden walls are practical, dividing spaces in your own garden or boundaries with neighbouring gardens. They can be more reliable than fencing, offering more privacy and less maintenance.

But they can sometimes let you down on the aesthetic front. Whether it is red brick, uneven old stonework, or breezeblock, they don’t look as nice as fences naturally.

So, hire the tools you need from Speedy, grab some PPE (a mask, eye protection and work gloves will be needed), and start working on making over your back garden. Before you do anything, check the wall is strong enough to support any additional weight, and also ask any neighbours if carrying out work on a shared wall is okay.


Garden Wall Transformation Ideas

  1. Paint

Probably the simplest way, requiring no huge DIY talents. Outdoor masonry paint comes in loads of different colours now, so whether you want a bright white for a Mediterranean feel or a pop of colour for something that stands out, the choice is yours.

A paint sprayer will get this done in no time, so you can minimise the disturbance to your garden and make the most of a nice day weather-wise. Or, you can use a large masonry brush. You don’t need to paint all in one colour; you can halve the wall, or paint each in a different colour.

Ensure you cover any patio stones with a sheet, and remove as many plants as possible out of the way. Use a stiff bristle brush to get as much old paint and moss off the wall as possible, and a pressure washer on a low setting if it needs to be cleaned first.


  1. Hanging plants

Whether your yard ground space is limited, or you simply want to cover the stonework, hanging pots from the wall is a great idea.

You can use hanging baskets on brackets, or you can purchase dedicated plant pot frames which your pots sit on or hang from. Just drill a hole into the brick, use wall plugs, and screw the supports into place.

Why not create a herb garden or an entire living wall?


  1. Use trellis

If it is the texture of the stone or brick wall which you find boring, change it up by drilling a trellis onto it. This way, you can then use this as a support for climbing plants. Or, just leave it as it is—the wood gives a more natural, soft look than brick or stone.

It can still be painted and makes it easier to hang lights and plants.


  1. Add a mirror

Is your garden small? A mirror can really make a space look bigger than it is, which especially comes in handy if your yard is tiny with high boundary walls.

You can purchase outdoor mirrors, which are cheaper than large indoor mirrors. Follow the instructions on how to install it, but you will often have to drill it into the wall. You may also be able to use a hook. Try to bring it in over winter to minimise damage and wear, if possible.


  1. Utilise old pallets

Pallets are always being given away by local businesses. You can use one to drill to the wall using long masonry screws, and then hang pots from.

Why not make a mini wildlife garden? Plant wildflowers in your pots, and attach a few insect houses to the pallets, and it can soon become a hive of life. You can utilise so much wasted space in your garden to help the planet.


  1. Turn into a seating and dining area

A dedicated long seat will cover most of the wall. You can create temporary pallet seating, by drilling a few pallets together and then covering them with cushions. Or, purchase something more permanent, like a storage seat bench.

Some lights attached to the wall, and decorative herb plants, will bring it all together.




If you’re looking for more ideas on how to transform your garden or outdoor space, look no further.

You can paint your patio stones at the same time, build a raised garden bed, or even build a new garden wall, all by following our advice and hiring the tools you need from Speedy Hire.

Start planning your next DIY project and open a Speedy account online or on the app for all your tool hire needs.

Speedy has more than 200 local service centres across the nation, hire counters in selected B&Qs and nationwide 4-hour delivery. It has never been easier to hire the tools and equipment you need.


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